Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blessings, blessings and more blessings!

Coming to South Carolina, while difficult in some ways, has been more of an opportunity to see God's abundant love! In the midst of starting everything new, he provided friends, a church, kind neighbors, a good landlord, spiritual mentors, bible study groups, and access to two universities. With limited income because of tuition, rent, and other expenses with things here and back home, he has showered us with gifts such as Broadway in Columbia tickets, condos for vacations, dinners out, airplane tickets, help with tuition, scholarships for youth soccer, and most recently a second car to use! A very kind and generous couple from our church in Columbia said we could use this car until we leave the south! Not only that, they gave us their gas credit card and said they wanted to pay for all the gas for the year! Wow!!!! We have been blown away by the love God has lavished on us! As he is working in our lives to refine and draw us to himself, God is extending his strong arm of love and grace and making the journey incredible!


  1. What an AWESOME LOVING GOD!!!! Thank you for
    sharing the many ways He has been LOVING you
    and YOUR family.. What a great learning experience for your kids too..for them
    to see His provisions for your daily needs
    through so many neat people and ways.

    BTW if you ever get a chance to participate in
    Beth Moore's "Esther" Study ...go for it...He
    has been revealing so MUCH to me about His providence and trusting Him with even our biggest fears. Very FREEEEEING =)

    Hope you have a good visit w/your parents!!!
    I'll be thinking about all of you together=)
    With Love,
    Auntie Loie

  2. Thanks for sharing. God is truly blessing you for stepping out in faith.
